2014... the year of the Superhero Film?

Well, 2014 is looking to be an AMAZING year for Superhero movies,  With a Spiderman sequel, Captain America: The Winter soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Xmen Days of Future past all hiting the big screen....

I am SUPER pumped for the Amazing Spiderman sequel. I LOATHED Toby Maquire's Peter Parker, and felt his movies were weak. Spiderman just didn't FEEL like Spiderman. Garfield's Parker, on the other hand, had everything I wanted in an on-screen portrayal. The alienation, the cracking wise, the "outsider" pathos. His Spiderman, too, moved, fought and acted like i always imagined the comic book Spidey to do. It also appears Sony is taking it's cues from the Avengers, and using a mix of the "normal" and "ultimate" universes. Mecha-Rhino, Electro's appearance, the psychical mutations of the Goblin... This Hairy Geek is REALLY keen to watch this film. (also MASSIVE bonus points for the sneaky shots of the Doc Oc arms and Vulture wings...)

Well, it looks like Cap's having some problems adjusting to modern life, if the Captain America: the Winter Solider trailer is anything to go by.... The first thing that strikes me, like a blow from cap's shield, is how POLITICAL the trailer is! "I thought the punishment came AFTER the crime?" and "this isn't freedom, it's FEAR" really shows how Marvel is taking a risk by commenting, even if obliquely, on some POWERFUL real world issues. Seeing Falcon, in his more "Ultimate" inspired military style uniform really makes me happy, and it seems like they are using the Black Widow in the role Sharon Carter fulfilled in the comic. The comic run was one of my all time fave comics, so I am cautiously excited about this one....

Hmm Marvel's REALLY taking a risk with Guardians of the Galaxy... on one had i discovered the group though my love of the character "Nova" and really dug the retro Sci-Fi feel of them, on the OTHER hand, it's VERY possible that the film will come across like everything that was wrong with the STar Wars prequels.... TOO much CGI....TOO many "CUTE" aliens, TOO much over/poor acting.... I LOVE Rocket Raccoon, and hope they do him justice. Also, Marvel just confirmed their worst-kept secret....   

Now, the X-men movies. I found X-men 1 and The Wolverine to be OK to good movies... First Class was GREAT.... the rest of the cinematic X-men offering to have swung from awful to PLEASE GOD KILL ME NOW BEFORE I HAVE TO ENDURE ONE MORE SECOND OF THIS RUBBISH (my good friend Viking_Jesse will be on his way to KILL me for that statement... X-man fanboi that he is :P) but between bizarre casting choices and down right DICKISH moves (yes, it appears Fox ADDED Quicksliver to X-Men DOFP even though it had started filming already, and he WASN'T in the script, or in the comic in any meaningful way, JUST to screw over Marvel's Avengers 2.... Stay Classy, Fox) I'm up in the air over the movie. It LOOKS good, it has a GREAT story to draw off, and the star power is MAGNIFICENT, but can it overcome the earlier flops and ARSEHOLE moves to impress me? we shall see.  

All in all, it's a great feeling to head into a new year with SO much to look forward to!   


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