First Xmas Gifts! Ultimate Spiderman Iron Spiderman and Doc Ock!

It's no shock to anyone who knows me that i LOVE the Ultimate Spiderman cartoon. It's a perfect mix of funny, action-packed and character driven stories. I dig the art style, I like the re-designs of the villains...ok enough gushing... So Today Viking_Jesse came over, for our regular catch-up/Sword training day. He surprised me with an early-ish Xmas gift!

He got me the Iron Spiderman, and Doc Ock, both from the 7 inch Ultimate Spiderman Line! Doc Ock is one of the re-designed villains, a paralyzed scientist forced to use an iron-lung-like apparatus to breath, and his tentacles to move. The figure it's self has next to no articulation, only having swivel joints at hips and shoulders. This isn't as bad as it sounds, as, well, he can't move his arms or legs in the show anyhow. The tentacles are, as they should be, the focal point, and they really deliver. They are rubber over a wire armature. they are MASSIVE! My only gripe is I WISH the tentacles were strong enough to support the weight of the figure, so he could be posed as he appears in the show.

Iron Spiderman is one of my top 4 Spiderman costume designs, so i was very happy to see it in the cartoon. And just as happy to see it accurately reproduced in the figure line.  the articulation is not great, but better than Doc Ock, as he has KNEE joints! oh, and the "Waldos" ( the arms on his back) are ball and socket joints.

All and all, they are my two fave designs from the cartoon, and i am SUPER happy to have got them. A big thank you to Viking_Jesse! and I hope Santa/Krampus is as good to you all!      


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