My Holy Trinity

I like a lot of things. I have this habit, It drives the wife Crazy. I often bouce between being totally obsessed with one thing, then WAMM something else catches my eye...and POW new obsession, she can't keep up.  But... there are three things that always rule this geek's heart.... My holy trinity of geekdom. No matter what else is going on, Super Heroes, Star wars and zombies..... they are what gets me going.  Now i spoke before about what I love about Super Heroes,  how they helped me.  How they offer me an escape...a way to deal with real life.
Star Wars has a very special place in my heart. As a kid, I remember watching star wars on a dodgy vhs, OVER and over. I was enthralled by this world. I was a lonely kid, a non-sporty, non-car loving kid in a family of petrol-head sports-fanatics.... But my Dad, the mechanic, the bloke's bloke, noticed my love of this movie... he wasn't a sci-fi fan, but he started watching this movie with me. over and over. The shinning moment of my childhood was my father taking me to the movies to see "return of the jedi". He willingly sat through a movie with me, a movie he knew he would not enjoy, because he knew i would..... And it made him HAPPY. He got ENJOYMENT from doing something for someone else... something that gave him no other enjoyment, than the joy of seeing another person happy...This shaped me, as a person.
Zombies, well my love of Zombies comes from a darker place in my life. I have always loved the macarbe and scary... I was "that" kid at school, the spooky kid who was a little TOO smart, but loved horror and gore and gothic  poems.... Zombies and heavy metal got me through university.  What I love about zombies are they are faceless (often literaly) nameless, and unstopable. They are death personified,  They are so varied, so many types of Zombie, the Voodoo Zombie, the so called "atomic" zombie, The necromantic zombie, the virus zombie... They can be horrifying, funny, or thought proviking. Unlike single horror icons, Jason, Freddy, etc, they are timeless, because, well, they are a horde of unknown dead things.  The generic, group nature of the zombie allows you to project what ever you fear most onto the zombie.... the scary thing about Zombies is, they are death....and death comes to everyone......


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