Why I love Comics

Its kinda obvious I love Comic books. What is the attraction, as a grown man, to a medium that is largely considered a kid's thing? Why, as an adult, do I collect Trade paper backs, action figures, Tee shirts, heck even my tablet is chock full of digital comics....

For me, it's all about the heroes. When I was young, and bad things happened, I found solace in the pages of comics, a world were the bad people got what they deserve, at the hands of Heroes. Comics gave me hope, Hope that it could get better.
 I met other people, who I could CONNECT with, over a shared love of the brightly colored Champions of Justice contained in the pages of the comics, It didn't matter if they loved DC and I preferred Marvel, we spent HOURS debating if the JLA could beat the Avengers.... Comics gave me friends, Showed me that other people liked the things i did.
When I lost my Mother, and then my Father, quite close together, Family and Friends got me through, but comics took my mind off things, in a MUCH less destructive way than drinking, which was the OTHER tool I was using at the time. A few Drinks turned into a drunken haze that lasted the best part of a year, cost me a great many things, including not a few GOOD friends. It was an Iron Man comic, that I read, in all places, at a train station, catching a train home after a drunken bender found me about 200 miles away from home, with no clue as to how I got there, That convinced me to stop drinking. In the issue, Tony Stark, drunk, homeless, penniless, reminisces about how he hit rock bottom due to drinking... he meets a pregnant woman, also homeless, and delivers her baby, but the mother freezes to death in the cold. It really struck a note with me. Would MY mother be happy with me throwing my life away by drinking every day? To this day Iron Man is one of my favorite heroes.
As an adult, comics give me an escape, a way to get my head OUT of the "real world" and have some FUN.  They give me a way to connect with my kids, to share something with them, and to feel a part of ME is continuing in THEM. seeing my 2 year old SO excited to watch Spiderman, or having her sit with me and name all the Avengers (even if she STILL calls Hawkeye "Hawkguy"), or playing Lego Marvel  or Marvel Heroes online with the 10 year old, is great. I also like the message they get from them, about good and bad, power and responsibility.

I guess, you don't get GROW UP because you get OLDER, you get OLDER because you LET yourself GROW UP. and Comics are my way of feeding the child inside me, and keeping myself young. And i never want that to change.    


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